Africa and the “War on Terror”: Policing the Undergoverned Spaces

Large swaths of land throughout Africa go ungoverned by conventional powers and could offer havens for terrorist groups. A new US command force, known as AFRICOM, plans to unify military deployments in Africa, partner with NGOs and other development agencies, and train local forces, with the goal of creating stability throughout the Saharan belt. Some US analysts worry about terrorists consolidating in the area, disrupting oil production or planning attacks in Europe, while others question the need for such investment and the costs. “Part of the appeal of a preventive institution-building strategy such as this is that it costs far less than having to intervene with military force in places, such as Somalia, where weak states have already failed,” reports the Economist. The article suggests that the US does not want to repeat mistakes made in the Middle East and counts on the new command to win African hearts and minds. – YaleGlobal

Africa and the “War on Terror”: Policing the Undergoverned Spaces

The Americans are intensifying their hunt for Al Qaeda in the Sahara and beyond
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

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