Africans Ponder Globalization Pros and Cons

A debate is underway among anti-globalization activists attending the annual World Social Forum, held this year in Nairobi. The activists have traditionally expressed concern about how unrestricted trade and development can disrupt environmental protection, education, health care or culture in developing nations. But global interactions also provide opportunity and innovation, argue Africans who appreciate diverse global partners and increased trade, internet access, education and other connections. Africans should not reject globalization outright, suggests one analyst with the Council for the Development of Social Science Research, but “integrate new ideas with the existing ones, so that we make better gains from globalization.” Eliminating stark inequities poses a challenge for all concerned about globalization. – YaleGlobal

Africans Ponder Globalization Pros and Cons

Stephen Mbogo
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

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