After the Train Bombs, a Political Bombshell
The ruling People's Party in Spain lost yesterday's election to the opposition Socialists – a result that would have been unthinkable just a week ago. Last Thursday's train bombings, which killed 200 people and wounded almost 1500 more, disrupted all political predictions. As evidence emerged that the bombings may have been planned by al-Qaeda-related operatives and not Basque separatists, the Spanish public turned against the PP, blaming them for the unpopular decision to join the US-led war in Iraq. Such involvement, it is claimed, is what put Spain at risk for being targeted by Islamic fundamentalists; a tape that was sent found on Sunday morning suggested as much. Upon learning of his victory, the young Socialist party leader, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, reiterated his campaign promise to withdraw the 1,300 Spanish troops that are in Iraq by June 30th unless the US hands power over to the UN by then. – YaleGlobal
After the Train Bombs, a Political Bombshell
Spain's ruling People's Party has lost the election to the opposition
Monday, March 15, 2004
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