An Age-Old Salt Lake May Yield a Washday Miracle
The otherworldly microbes in Kenya’s Lake Bogoria have proved instrumental in perfecting many worldly goods. Genencor International, Inc., has patented and used enzyme samples it purchased from scientists who visited the lake to enhance such mundane commodities as detergent and blue jeans. While Genencor touts the commercial success of innovative science, however, Kenyans demand that the company share the science and success. Kenya insists that the samples were acquired illegally and demands monetary compensation. Meanwhile, the unwitting Kenyan academic who helped recover the samples demands that Genencor show her the scientific fruits of her labor. Genencor has tried to deflect such criticism by downplaying the value of the lake’s enzymes and donating equipment to a Kenyan university. The International Convention on Biological Diversity commits nations to equitable sharing of the benefits derived from biological resources, yet western nations continue to seek profits from the quirks of African biology. – YaleGlobal
An Age-Old Salt Lake May Yield a Washday Miracle
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
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