All Cultures Are Not Equal

"The gospel of multiculturalism preaches that all groups and cultures are equally wonderful," writes David Brooks – and then proceeds to refute this notion in this commentary. Rather, Brooks suggests that globalization, rather than giving rise to a unified world culture, has actually further segmented the global population. Due to increased ease of communication and travel, he writes, people may locate and join, both on- and offline, others with similar interests and backgrounds – often to the exclusion of others. In fact, Brooks writes, the world has seen a rise in nationalism – often the catalyst for major events: "[I]f you look around the world you see how often events are driven by groups that reject the globalized culture," he observes. And so continues the debate over the cultural legacy of globalization. – YaleGlobal

All Cultures Are Not Equal

David Brooks
Thursday, August 11, 2005

Click here for the original article on The New York Times website.

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