American Universities “Addicted to Chinese Students”
About 3 percent of Chinese students attending US colleges and universities may have been expelled during the 2013-2014 academic year, most for failing classes or cheating; more than 270,000 students from China enrolled in US institutions that year. “Over 60 percent of Chinese students cover the full cost of an American university education themselves, effectively subsidizing the education of their lower-income American peers,” writes Matt Schiavenza for the Atlantic. “Some schools – such as Purdue University in Indiana – profit further by charging additional fees for international students.” He describes how businesses assist foreign students with applications and schoolwork and target the group with marketing. As many as half of the applicants from China may submit fraudulent recommendations, application essays or transcripts, one consultant noted. Another consultant suggests that the schools do not provide enough orientation on US education standards and rules. US universities, short on cash, may struggle to compete with Chinese universities that invest in research and laboratories to attract and retain their country's most talented students. – YaleGlobal
American Universities "Addicted to Chinese Students”
Bad news for US schools: A consulting report from WholeRen estimates 8,000 students from China were expelled in the 2013-14 school year
Monday, June 1, 2015
Matt Schiavenza is a contributing writer for The Atlantic. He is a former global-affairs writer for the International Business Times and Atlantic senior associate editor.
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