Anonymous and the Global Correction
New communication technologies arm young activists with the tools to disrupt powerful, traditional institutions that simultaneously depend on the internet and apply excessive controls. Since 2005, a loose band of activists known as Anonymous have opposed censorship or a restricted internet, their plans and goals emerging amid fast, furious chatter of message boards. What began as sport in Japan and other wealthy nations, notes an unidentified writer who claims to work with Anonymous in an opinion essay for Al Jazeera, now aids protesters in repressive states. Digital activism has contributed to unrest throughout the Middle East and perhaps beyond. The writer warns against secrets and censorship that hide corruption, injustice or hypocrisy of powerful corporations or governments. Technologically skilled, the young cyber-revolutionaries insist on reasonable governance and open, free exchange – and seek to build “a worldwide network capable of perpetual engagement against those who are comfortable with tyranny.” – YaleGlobal
Anonymous and the Global Correction
A loosely organised group of hackers is targeting oppressive regimes and says this is just the beginning
Monday, February 28, 2011
The author identifies as part of Anonymous, a loose collective of internet hacktivists which uses the technological infrastructure on which the globalised world depends to maintain a vigilante presence online. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial policy.
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