Anti-Semitic Book Distributed at Rally for Malaysian Leader

American car-maker Henry Ford’s anti-Semitic book, “The International Jew,” was passed out by Malaysian officials at a rally for the departing Prime Minister Mahathir. The book also contains the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” which has long been used to peddle theories of an international Jewish conspiracy in countries such as Russia. Mahathir denies connection with the book’s distribution and accusations that he is racist, but did not apologize for negative remarks he had made previously against white Westerners. He condemned the West for giving Palestinian lands to Jews and maintained that people of European descent – including all whites in the Americas, Australia, and New Zealand – are warlike, greedy, and promote sexual immorality. "I challenge anyone who says my speech about the Europeans is not true," he said. – YaleGlobal

Anti-Semitic Book Distributed at Rally for Malaysian Leader

Sunday, June 22, 2003

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