Apocalypse Now

A report released by the British government has everyone talking about the weather, and contains dire reasons for the world to start doing something about it. The 600-page Stern Report warns that, unless drastic measures are taken to combat global climate change, average temperatures will rise 2 or 3 degrees Celsius in the next half century, which will in turn melt ice fields, raise sea levels, strengthen storms, accentuate droughts and cause a wide variety of other catastrophes. The world’s poorest nations will suffer the worst effects and climate change is expected to be most severe in underdeveloped tropical regions. Economist Nicholas Stern does offer reason for hope: A strong stand against climate change, as countries reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the context of an international framework, would require 1 percent of world gross domestic product (GDP). If no such stand is taken, however, climate change could cost the world up to 20 percent of the GDP – comparable to the costs of the Great Depression and the World Wars. – YaleGlobal

Apocalypse Now

David Adam
Saturday, November 4, 2006

Click here to read the article in the "Mail & Guardian."

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