The Atlantic: Fears of a Pakistani Strongman

Imran Khan has declared victory as prime minister in an election in Pakistan marred by charges of corruption and military interference. Khan’s supporters hope he can soothe country’s many internal divisions. “Khan views himself as classic populist, a politician who opposes a corrupt, morally inferior class of elites,” writes Omar Waraich for the Atlantic. “But many doubt whether he can unite such an unwieldy coalition of supporters, while delivering on his ambitious political agenda and avoid veering into the outright demagoguery he occasionally indulged on the campaign trail.” Khan, no doubt aware that Pakistan’s problems won’t be resolved by quick fixes, has suggested that the country should “boost trade with India, open borders with Afghanistan, and enjoy a ‘mutually beneficial’ relationship with the U.S.” He also promised to battle corruption and support education and minority rights. Khan’s biggest challenges may be controlling Pakistan’s powerful military and his most extreme supporters. – YaleGlobal

The Atlantic: Fears of a Pakistani Strongman

Pakistan’s next Prime Minister Khan must deliver benefits to his diverse coalition while avoiding the temptation to indulge in demagoguery
Omar Waraich
Saturday, July 28, 2018

Read the article from the Atlantic about Pakistan’s new prime minister.

Omar Waraich is the deputy South Asia director at Amnesty International.


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