Attention Buffetts ‘Round the World

After US billionaire Warren Buffet wrote in an opinion piece that the wealthy should pay higher taxes to boost the US economy, the suggestion triggered a global domino effect, explains economic policy expert Mark Bloomfield in an essay for Politico. Wealthy counterparts in France and Germany joined the chorus, but Bloomfield cautions against generating more funds for flawed systems: “The U.S. has a golden opportunity to set the tone on the world stage in crafting a tax policy that will promote economic growth and restore confidence to its electorate, businesses and Wall Street.” Setting up a surcharge on the wealthy is more difficult to do than talk about, as evidenced by the Alternative Minimum Tax resented by many middle-class Americans. Bloomfield urges revamping tax codes to reward savers and hard workers rather than the spendthrifts who borrow. A fair tax code that emphasizes simplicity and promises certainty would go a long way in adding jobs, capital reinvestment and confidence to the global economy. – YaleGlobal

Attention Buffetts 'Round the World

Progressives embrace the notion of a surcharge for millionaires and billionaires, but reforming and simplifying tax codes would do more to boost the global economy
Mark Bloomfield
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mark Bloomfield is president and CEO of the American Council for Capital Formation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to public policies supportive of saving and investment to promote long-term economic growth, job creation and competitiveness. Bloomfield also runs a blog.