Australia’s Election Message: The Age
Australian voters gave a surprise win to conservatives and Scott Morrison who ran on a platform of tax cuts and strengthening the economy. The result does not mean that Australians have forgotten climate change, explains Ben Oquist for the Age. Morrison as prime minister rejected renewable energy targets and supported $25 billion in renewable energy investment as candidate. Renewable energies represent increasing market share, or 21 percent of Australia's electricity generation, and walking back investment would contribute to economic uncertainty. "The economics of electricity production means that a new coal fired power station will never again be built in Australia without large government subsidies and future carbon price indemnity,” Oquist writes. “The market has spoken and renewables – plus storage – have beaten coal.” Australia is the world’s fourth leading coal producer after China, the United States and India. Coalmines represent less than 1 percent of Australia’s workforce, and opening more mines and coal-powered plants won’t add jobs. Renewable energy sources increase reliable energy while reducing prices and pollution. – YaleGlobal
Australia’s Election Message: The Age
Australia’s election produced surprise win for the conservative party and Scott Morrison; the government should not assume voters forgot climate change
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Read the article from The Age about Australia’s election results.
Ben Oquist is the executive director of independent think-tank the Australia Institute.
Read about renewables from the Clean Energy Council in Australia
Read about the world’s top coal producers.
(Source: Australia Energy Statistics, 2019)
The Age
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