Avian Flu Found in Migrating Geese in China
The recent deaths of migratory birds in western China are raising concerns that the avian flu may have found an unwelcome vehicle through which to spread around the world. According to newly released journal reports by Chinese scientists, at least 6,000 migratory geese have died so far due to the epidemic, which previously has been transmitted to humans only through contact with infected poultry. Scientists admit that it is too early to gauge the danger to humans, but some experts are urging immediate action given the high risks. Whereas past instances of avian flu-related deaths in migratory birds had occurred near poultry farms, the recent deaths took place in a secluded nature reserve far from any chicken farms. The virus, in fact, seems to have made subtle changes in its genetic clothing. While the implications of this genetic shift are still unclear, scientists are concerned nonetheless. –YaleGlobal
Avian Flu Found in Migrating Geese in China
Scientists fear birds may transport virus
Thursday, July 7, 2005
Click here for the original article on The Boston Globe's website.
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