Aviation Emissions Are Next Target in Fight Against Climate Change

Negotiators from more than 50 nations, including China and the United States, gathered in Montreal with the goal of encouraging greater efficiency and advanced technologies to control emissions from the airlines industry. “An agreement to address aviation emissions may play a key role in determining whether global leaders will be able to meet the goal of keeping global temperatures from rising more than 2°C (3.6°F) above pre-industrial levels by 2100,” a goal described in the Paris agreement reached in December 2015,” reports Justin Worland for Time. The agreement “notably does not address emissions across borders in areas like aviation and shipping.” The agreement under debate does not cover domestic aviation emissions. The Air Transport Action Group estimates that airlines are responsible for 12 percent of transport carbon dioxide emissions while road sources are responsible for 74 percent. – YaleGlobal

Aviation Emissions Are Next Target in Fight Against Climate Change

Rapid growth is expected in the aviation industry, and 50 nations meet to encourage efficiency and reduce emissions
Justin Worland
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
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