BBC: Health Impact of Separating Children from Parents
Doctors speak out against a Trump administration policy that separates children from parents attempting to cross the US border. The policy could cause long-term, irreversible harm unless the families are swiftly reunited. The new policy began in a chaotic way with empty big-box stores and tents used to shelter the children, including babies and toddlers, with the risk that some families may never reunite. Since mid-April, the United States has relied on a “zero tolerance” policy, separating more than 2,000 children. The head of the American Academy of Pediatrics calls the policy “child abuse.” Another expert explains the separation results in unnecessary trauma. “Scientists say the moment of separation is all but guaranteed to be traumatic and panic-inducing in both children and parents, which will trigger elevated levels of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, elevated heart and blood pressure, anxiety, and symptoms like headaches and an upset stomach,” reports Jessica Lussenhop for BBC News. Long-term effects include despair and lack of trust with risk of depression, anxiety and callousness. Societies will endure the policy’s consequences for years to come. Doctors urge the inhumane treatment to stop immediately. – YaleGlobal
BBC: Health Impact of Separating Children from Parents
Pediatric and child trauma experts sound the alarm that separating migrant children from their parents at the US border can cause serious physical and psychological damage
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Read the article from BBC News about the health effects of a Trump policy that separates children from parents attempting to cross theUS border.
BBC News
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