BBC News: Namibia’s Himba People Caught Between Traditions and Modernity

Small rural villages around the world are less isolated, and encroaching modern ways of life divide their people about how quickly to accept another language, women’s rights and family planning, schools and new curricula, or specialized businesses and consumerism. Pumza Fihlani of BBC News write about Namibia’s Himba people. “A steady stream of young men and women has been opting to leave the slow village life in exchange for a fast-paced modern world,” she writes, describing villagers’ worries about school changing children. The young are ashamed about conflicts between modern conveniences and traditional responsibilities, not to mention traditional clothing and hairstyles. Many are “caught between the allure of modern life and a desire to save… traditional culture,” Fihlani explains. Transitions are rarely easy, with the successful feeling guilt and those who struggle to adjust often turning to substance abuse. Preparation for a changing world is essential, and “Chief Nongaba, who has never set foot inside a classroom, says it is his duty to prepare his children for a life outside the village.” – YaleGlobal

BBC News: Namibia's Himba People Caught Between Traditions and Modernity

Small rural communities are divided over how quickly to adjust to modern ways; BBC News focuses on challenges for Namibia’s Himba people, especially the young
Pumza Fihlani
Thursday, August 31, 2017
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