Behold the Leviathan

In a time of much political and economic uncertainty at the international level, MSNBC conducted a series of interviews with people around the world, asking them to comment on several aspects of American policy and culture. Democracy, equality, and freedom—fundamental virtues and values—received much admiration from those surveyed abroad. When asked about America’s foreign policy, they changed their tone, their response turned sour and an unsolicited opinion on Iraq quickly followed. Some thought that America’s current foreign policy clashes with the principles and ideas America was founded upon. – YaleGlobal

Behold the Leviathan

America's culture, and its military, bring mixed reviews
Kari Huus
Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Click here for the original article on MSNBC's website.

Kari Huus is an international editor and writer for Interviews were contributed by NBC and MSNBC producers in Cairo, Beijing, Tel Aviv, Islamabad, Mexico City, Moscow, Havana, Vancouver and Mainz, Germany.

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