Bhutto’s Return Brings Pakistani Politics to a Boil

Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto returned to Pakistan, ready to run for office, force General Pervez Musharraf to share power and combat terrorism. Crowds of passionate supporters greeted her when she arrived in mid-October, along with a bomb blast that killed 140 people. Confusion and questions have emerged since her return to a country divided about its relationship with the US. Opponents question her willingness to negotiate with Musharraf, who took power with a coup in 1999, as well as the government’s willingness to lift corruption charges against her. Activists label Bhutto’s agenda as “pro-American,” suggesting it could spark a fundamentalist Islamic backlash. This New York Times analysis by Carlotta Gall suggests that Bhutto speaks out on issues and problems long neglected in Pakistan. Vigorous debate may reveal solutions that have been buried by corruption and violence. – YaleGlobal

Bhutto’s Return Brings Pakistani Politics to a Boil

Carlotta Gall
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Click here to read the article in The New York Times.

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