Biggest Protests in 20 years Sweep Brazil

"The people have awakened" is one slogan of the massive demonstrations underway in Brazil. About 200,000 demonstrators marched through the streets of Brazil's biggest cities, organized mostly through social media campaigns. Corruption, poor public services, rising prices and lackluster growth during the past two years are among the widespread complaints. While billions are spent on new stadiums in preparation for the Olympics, the common grievances come in a context of lackluster growth. President Dilma Rousseff has expressed hope that the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016 will showcase Brazil as an emerging power. Yet protesters are using another major event, the Confederation's Cup, to amplify their concerns. After a decade of steady economic growth and low unemployment rates, demonstrators are questioning the priorities of their nation. So far, the president is supportive of the protesters, going along with the notion that government can always do better. – YaleGlobal

Biggest Protests in 20 years Sweep Brazil

Near 200,000 demonstrators marched on Brazil’s streets, using world event to target poor public services, police violence and government corruption
Todd Benson, Asher Levine
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
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