Bill Gates to Tour India Amid Global Software Debate
With a global battle shaping up between the proprietary Microsoft Windows operating system and freely available Linux, another battle is on for the hearts and minds of India’s half million software programmers . Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates is making his third trip to India in two years, with the aim of wooing the programmers to write their codes for Windows. His visit comes in the midst of reports of an official “Linux India Initiative.” The New York Times says the initiative is meant “to promote Linux as a viable alternative to proprietary-based software for use in government departments, state governments and corporations.” The report adds: “While in India, Mr. Gates is widely expected to pledge a large donation to public health projects through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. But Microsoft India's executives hasten to note that the foundation's activities are distinct from those of the corporation." – YaleGlobal
Bill Gates to Tour India Amid Global Software Debate
Monday, November 11, 2002
Click here for the original article on The New York Times website.
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