Bolivia Provides a Tragic Lesson for Latin America

Bolivia often escapes the notice of Europeans and Americans, writes Norman Lamont, and the country's current troubles merit much greater international attention. Bolivia has seen several governments overthrown over its recent history, and its likeliest contender for the leadership, Evo Morales, now seems determined to force through measures that will further destabilize the country. Morales, a friend of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and Cuba's Fidel Castro, wants to push through measures to nationalize Bolivia's vast oil resources and allow for the cultivation of the raw materials for cocaine. Nationalization will prevent the country from capitalizing on its abundant natural resources – and in turn, preclude its emergence as a top exporter of energy in South America. Lamont opines, "Bolivia's poor, as always, will be the losers." – YaleGlobal

Bolivia Provides a Tragic Lesson for Latin America

Norman Lamont
Friday, October 21, 2005

Read the article from Financial Times.

Lord Lamont was British chancellor of the exchequer 1990-93 and recently visited Bolivia

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