Brexit Aftermath: Europe’s Zero Hour Presents an Opportunity

The European Union is ready to shed a reluctant United Kingdom. The other 27 members could become stronger by moving on and taking advantage of new possibilities. The UK decision does not mean that the EU is a failure or blunder. “The desire for unity developed out of the zero hour following World War II and is a clear rejection of war,” writes Dirk Kurbjuweit. “It is a peace project, and a project that has been wildly successful.” The EU has discouraged authoritarianism, increased prosperity, eased travel and trade, and he argues, “The European Union is the best thing that could have happened to our continent.” Populist and ambitious politicians sow disgruntlement and fear among voters who take the EU’s many successes for granted while appealing to selfish instincts. The EU faces many challenges, but can still pursue integration, high standards and reforms with less bickering. – YaleGlobal

Brexit Aftermath: Europe's Zero Hour Presents an Opportunity

As the UK departs the EU, the remaining 27 members can strengthen by pursuing greater integration, standards and reforms
Dirk Kurbjuweit
Friday, June 24, 2016

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