Burma Victims Lose Aid Battle as Cash Flows Into China on a Flood of Sympathy

An open society, one that allows photos during national disasters and the weakest moments, immediately invites world sympathy and offers of help. The contrast in media coverage of the May 2 cyclone in Burma and the May 12 earthquake in China could not be starker: The Chinese government and people instantly mobilized, and photos showed widespread devastation and earnest rescue efforts; Burma may be more impoverished than China, its death toll higher than China’s, but reports about generals denying the need for aid, keeping foreign relief workers at bay and marking bags of rice with their names sent a strong message that any help sent would probably not go where most needed. As a result, China has attracted far more donations. Some corporations are candid about wanting to help a major trade partner. But without a doubt, media coverage also contributed to opening minds, hearts and pocketbooks. – YaleGlobal

Burma Victims Lose Aid Battle as Cash Flows Into China on a Flood of Sympathy

Rosemary Bennett
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Click here to read the article in The London Times.

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