Can the World Deliver for Africa?
Can the World Deliver for Africa?
Africa is the world's poorest continent and, relative to the rest of the world, it is getting poorer all the time. That's the bad news. The good news is that 2005 might - just might - be the year when things start to change for the better.
This year will not make poverty history in Africa. Whatever Gordon Brown and his fellow G7 finance ministers come up with when they gather this Friday on debt relief and aid, there will still be children dying of preventable diseases in January 2006. No matter what deal Tony Blair cuts with George Bush and the other G8 leaders when they gather at Gleneagles in early July, there are still going to be millions of children who are not in school and hundreds of millions of people living on less than a dollar a day.
But Mr Blair and Mr Brown argue that the coincidence of the UK presidency of the G8 this year and the presidency of the EU and their decision to prioritise Africa could make 2005 a breakthrough year. Increasingly, even the most hard-nosed western politicians have started to realise that ignoring poverty is asking for trouble. As Mr Bush put it: "Poverty prevents governments from controlling their borders, policing their territory and enforcing their laws. Development provides the resources to build hope and prosperity and security."
To some extent, the dry figures for GDP per capita fail to capture the extent of Africa's predicament. Even a country as big in African terms as Nigeria has an economy only two-thirds that of greater London, and Ghana's is the same size as Liverpool's. But the cost of living is much lower in Africa, making such comparisons somewhat spurious. More to the point, living standards have risen on average by 2.5% a year in Britain in the past 30 years, whereas in sub-Saharan Africa they have remained stagnant. In the three most populous countries - Nigeria, Ethiopia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo - they have been falling.
According to a recent United Nations report, life expectancy in the world's poorest countries is 40 years, compared with 80 in the rich west. In development terms, Africa is where Britain was at the dawn of the industrial age.
The UN has set a series of millennium development goals to be achieved by 2015. Many countries are on course to meet at least some of the goals - which include halving the number of people living on less than a dollar a day, cutting infant mortality by two-thirds and putting every child in school. Africa, as Mr Brown has stressed, will not achieve the goals until into the next century, on current trends.
The answer to poverty in other parts of the world, such as China and India, has been more rapid economic growth. China was poorer than Africa in the 1960s, but is now three times richer, and the gap is growing all the time. Africa receives only a tiny fraction of foreign direct investment and accounts for a smaller slice of world exports than it did a quarter of a century ago.
This year, a coalition of campaigns in more than 60 countries, the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, is trying to replicate the success of Jubilee 2000, which mobilised a huge grassroots campaign and put debt on to the mainstream international agenda. The British campaign, Make Poverty History, which holds a mass rally in London tomorrow and which has signed up all the main aid agencies as well as many trade unions, is aiming to generate the public momentum to make 2005 a breakthrough year. The campaign's thinking, behind the big themes of the more generous debt relief, higher aid flows and easier trade access, is that you can't become a modern capitalist country without capital. And that means western assistance, because most African countries are too poor to make the transition themselves.
"When individuals and whole economies lack even the most basic infrastructure, health services and education, market forces alone can accomplish little," the UN said. "Households and whole economies remain trapped in poverty, and fail to reap the benefits of globalisation." In this context, the Make Poverty History response is to question why many African countries are spending more repaying their debts than they do on basic social infrastructure, why so many western countries - including Britain - have yet to meet the UN target of spending 0.7% of GDP on aid, and why the west is so slow in removing protectionist barriers.
The chancellor cites Tanzania, where debt relief has been used to abolish education charges. The result has been a million extra children in school. In contrast, Malawi spends more on servicing debt than on health, even though more than one in five Malawians are HIV-positive.
This week's G7 meeting in London marks the start of an intense period of diplomatic arm-twisting. Britain's presidency will have failed if the prime minister and the chancellor fail to secure real progress in the areas they have identified. In the short term, success will be measured by how many countries have their debts written off, whether Mr Brown can secure agreement for his international financing facility and whether the meeting of the World Trade Organisation in December leads to fairer trade.
The UN says it wants intensive efforts to improve governance, actively engage and empower civil society, promote entrepreneurship and the private sector, mobilise domestic resources, substantially increase aid and open up trade. If all that happens, the development goals can still be met. The next 11 months will show whether that is a realistic hope or simply another false dawn.