China Backs Argentina’s Position on Falkland Islands
China has proposed a short-term solution of “dialogue” for the territorial fight between the United Kingdom and Argentina over the Falkland Islands, or the Malvinas as they are known in Spanish. Britain refuses to discuss the matter with Argentina. “In a referendum held in March 2012, 99.8 per cent of the islanders voted in favour of remaining a British Oversees territory,” reports the Telegraph. China offered its proposal as a special guest at a two-day G-77 summit for developing nations. China has criticized the lack of political and economic proposals inside the UN and lent full support to Argentina’s claim. That support runs parallel to China’s own claims over Taiwan, as supported by Argentina. – YaleGlobal
China Backs Argentina's Position on Falkland Islands
China calls for dialog between Argentina and the UK over Falkland/Malvinas Islands dispute at G77 summit for developing nations
Friday, June 27, 2014
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