China Being Poisoned by Its Food Industry, Says Author
Risking his life, Chinese journalist Zhou Qing investigated China’s food industry over the course of two years and wrote “What Kind of God?” – a book that analyzes the value placed on food by the Chinese people and the outrageous measures companies take to reduce production costs. “His book is a dark account of a ruthless food mafia that stops at nothing to maximize its profits, for example by using contraceptives to accelerate the growth of fish stocks, lengthening the shelf-life of cucumbers with highly toxic pesticide DDT, using hormones and poisoned salt in food production and putting absurd amounts of antibiotics in meat,” writes Jochen Schönmann for Spiegel Online. The Chinese government has banned Zhou’s book, but internet chatter about “food safety” and “poisoning” indicates that the Chinese people are increasingly aware and concerned. – YaleGlobal
China Being Poisoned by Its Food Industry, Says Author
Antibiotics in the meat, pesticide used as preservatives, mercury in the drinking water – Chinese author Zhou Qing says China's food industry is poisoning the country in its greed for profit – and if ordinary people knew, there would be a revolution
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
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