China Is the De Facto Leader of Globalization

China is preparing to take a leading role on the world stage as the US president-elect dismisses worries about climate change and the benefits of globalization. The rhetoric about an “America first” policy suggests that the United States could reverse US stances on global trade and climate change. Europe is in disarray, too. Some world leaders are avoiding the World Economic Forum in Davos this year, to avoid being labeled as elites, but China’s President Xi Jinping will attend for the first time to remind the audience that globalization is worthwhile and can be controlled to resolve multiple global problems. “The unobvious benefits of interdependence need to be made manifest,” writes Nathan Gardels for the World Post. “The optimal arrangement for making globalization work is for the U.S. and China to join together as “indispensable partners” based on a convergence of interests to create a world order that works for all.” Gardels suggests that China could consider working with individual US states. – YaleGlobal

China Is the De Facto Leader of Globalization

China’s Xi Jinping will become the foremost proponent of an open global economy and the battle against climate change
Nathan Gardels
Friday, January 13, 2017

Nathan Gardels is editor-in-chief of the World Post.

Read about the World Economic Forum, “committed to improving the state of the world, is the international organization for public-private cooperation.”

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