China Leader Makes Debut in Great Wall of Facebook
In the aftermath of the Sichuan earthquake, amongst the rubble, aid and rescue operations, a Facebook profile of the Chinese leader Wen Jiabao has surfaced. Regardless of the actual identity of the profile creator, its existence suggests unprecedented level approachability. Increasing numbers of politicians, including US presidential candidates, recognize the value of online social networking sites as avenues for expressing both domestic and external support for political leaders. In the near future, Facebook could emerge as a powerful tool, high on the priority list for any campaign. Facebook’s possibilities for any agenda are endless, with profiles easy to establish and immediately far-reaching. Facebook is new enough that users must wonder which subjects really control their profiles. But amid friendly support, that may not really matter. – YaleGlobal
China Leader Makes Debut in Great Wall of Facebook
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
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