China Overtakes US as World’s Biggest CO2 Emitter

Nations seek to achieve superiority in all sorts of endeavors – but not with carbon-dioxide emissions. A report released by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency recorded China’s emissions as 8 percent higher than those of the US. China’s reliance on coal contributed to the high rates, as did cement production, which produces 9 percent of China’s total emissions. China’s lead in emissions came as a surprise to some analysts, who had not expected the nation to overtake the US until 2008. With the Kyoto Protocol expiring in 2012, nations struggle to develop legislation and tackle growing levels of emissions – without slowing economic growth. China has released a national plan on climate change, which calls for a reduction of energy consumption rather then setting a direct target for reducing or eliminating greenhouse-gas emissions. The Chinese report also argued that technology and costs are major obstacles to achieving energy efficiency within its borders. More then ever before, international cooperation is needed to limit carbon-dioxide emissions, or all countries will pay some price – loss of habitat, water shortages, troublesome weather patterns or desperate refugee populations. – YaleGlobal

China Overtakes US as World's Biggest CO2 Emitter

John Vidal
Friday, June 22, 2007

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