China’s Iron Grip
The experience of Rebiya Kadeer, a 60-year old Chinese woman, Nobel Peace Prize nominee and critic of the regime in China, demonstrates the growing brazenness of that government in its retaliation against dissent. Released after six years in prison, Kadeer was exiled to the United States, only to find herself under surveillance by Chinese agents after she became involved with pro-democracy organizations. Repression of dissidents has increased in recent years, especially among ethnic minorities, such as the Uighurs of western China, the group whose rights Kadeer advocates for. The growing global clout of China has made the regime more blatant in its repression, and officials have taken advantage of the “war on terror” to crack down, particularly on the Muslim Uighurs. Kadeer, once hopeful that increasing trade and engagement would lead to political openness, now finds the heavy hand of the Chinese regime falls even on her doorstep in America. – YaleGlobal
China's Iron Grip
Beijing Harasses Dissidents - Even in America
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
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