China’s Missile Message

China’s success in destroying one of its own satellites demonstrates rising power – but has left many analysts puzzled. Chinese leaders insist their goal is to use such power for peaceful purposes. Yet in truth, the challenges posed by a massive population – intent on devouring natural resources, desperate for clean water, well disposed for a pandemic – presents an unsettling vision for the rest of the world. China, once isolated and contained, now has a foreign policy that encircles the globe, lowering standards in labor, environmental and economic practices. The satellite test indicates that China is not thinking for the long-term good of the globe, according to Asia analyst Elizabeth Economy. As such, she notes that China could be trying to follow the US model, insisting on its status as “exception,” free to ignore world opinion. A growing number of global problems demands strong new global leadership, comprehensive long-term strategies and intense global cooperation. – YaleGlobal

China's Missile Message

Elizabeth Economy
Friday, January 26, 2007

Click here for the original article on The Washington Post's website.

The writer is director of Asia studies at the Council on Foreign Relations.

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