China’s NGOs Go Global
Economic growth has transformed China from aid recipient to donor nation, explains Reza Hasmath, a professor of political science: “[T]he majority of China’s overseas development assistance is directed at nations, notably in Africa and Southeast Asia, where it has a substantial stake in accessing natural resources and low cost human capital…. Suffice to say, China’s development assistance is linked to its own national interests and needs.” Agreements often include conditions to use Chinese contractors or materials, but not democratization. China has more than 500,000 registered NGOs, promoting education, health, the environment and community development, many funded by the state or state-owned businesses. Hasmath concludes that close ties of Chinese NGOs with the state can limit activities, exchanges, influence and credibility. – YaleGlobal
China’s NGOs Go Global
Chinese nongovernmental organizations are increasingly active abroad – but close ties with the Chinese government may limit their influence
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Reza Hasmath (Ph.D., Cambridge) is a Professor in Political Science at the University of Alberta. Prior to this appointment he held faculty positions at the Universities of Oxford, Melbourne and Toronto.
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