China’s Poison for the Planet
Researchers around the globe are monitoring weather patterns that push the billowing smoke from China’s factories around the globe. The factories that lack state-of-the-art environmental protections produce huge clouds of pollution that know no borders. “Just as trade is global these days, so too is the threat against nature,” write Andreas Lorenz and Wieland Wagner in “Der Spiegel.” Japan, the US and Europe complain about increasing health problems, but have little standing considering the average Chinese person uses about one fifth of the energy used by the average American and the Chinese government imposes population-control measures. China is an emerging power following in the footsteps of the US and other nations – making environmental protection a low priority, while pursuing the jobs and immediate comforts enjoyed in other parts of the world. – YaleGlobal
China’s Poison for the Planet
Can the environment withstand China's growing economic might? As one of the planet's worst polluters, Beijing's ecological sins are creating problems on a global scale
Friday, February 2, 2007
Click here for the original article on Spiegel Online's website.
Translated from the German by Christopher Sultan.,1518,461828,00.html
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