Chinese Language Newspapers in Australia
China controls the Chinese-language media in Australia – and also in other nations – in subtle and explicit ways. Editors that don’t comply with guidelines from the Chinese government and Communist Party can expect pulled advertising or reporters blocked from public events. Chinese firms purchase the media outlets, and hotels and other businesses admit to being pressured to discontinue relationships with media that defy censors. “Politically sensitive or unfavourable coverage of China and the ruling Communist Party has been effectively stopped outside all but a couple of Chinese language outlets, as the government steps up efforts to filter what the Chinese diaspora consumes,” report Kelsey Munro and Philip Wen for the Sydney Morning Herald. Reporting on scandals in China or sensitive events like the anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre trigger retaliation, and non-Chinese speakers do not realize how much propaganda is released within their own borders. – YaleGlobal
Chinese Language Newspapers in Australia
Australia’s Chinese-language media are pressured to comply with censorship and wishes of Chinese government or risk losing advertising and invites to events
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
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