Chronicle of a Disaster Foretold
Chronicle of a Disaster Foretold
The pieces for a classic financial drama fall into place one by one. First, the U.S. financial system, by way of a huge current account deficit and lax fiscal and monetary policies, gets flooded with resources for lending. Next, in their quest for attractive returns, banks and other intermediaries find subprime borrowers eager to buy houses they previously couldn't afford. House prices start going up, and soon a boom, fueled by cheap credit, unfolds. As financial intermediaries continue to be chockfull of liquidity they become too "creative," finding ways not only to spread and hedge repayment risk but also to overlook it. Everybody is happy. More and more subprime borrowers buy property, while others take on new debt on what they perceive to be their enlarged home equity. Intermediaries who got into the game early gorge on profits, and once others become aware of it, herds of them stampede to graze in the same pastures.
Initial enthusiasm for new opportunities turns into euphoria, and sound assessment of risk becomes even less relevant. In fact, in the face of rising prices despite the huge supply of new homes, additional debt is contracted to leverage the acquisition of more mortgage-related assets. Home financing becomes speculative, since debts can be paid off only if the underlying assets can be sold at an appreciated price. It's now not only about mortgages but also about a vast array of arcane financial products stemming from them in multiples. Once again the markets forget that financial innovations are likely to be underpriced and therefore overdemanded. At this point we find ourselves smack-dab in the middle of a housing bubble.
Meanwhile, monetary authorities – sedated by a generally benign, low-inflation environment that's mainly been brought about by globalization – fail to recognize how hugely accommodative to the bubble their policies have become. By omission or commission other financial regulators also loosen their oversight. Rating agencies, negligently, rest on their laurels. Rather than sounding the alarm, some otherwise respected and prudent economists put forward charitable – and misleading – theories on the causes and consequences of the existing macroeconomic imbalances. Others urgently warn that the system is becoming increasingly vulnerable, but to little or no avail.
From Boom to Bust
And then one day, triggered by one or various events – as has happened so many times in history – the market's mood shifts from cheer to gloom. The realization that prices of securities and their underlying assets have already peaked and begun to fall is what marks the inflection point toward financial distress. It becomes impossible to ignore how dangerously intoxicated the system has become with the absorption of assets whose risk has been underestimated for too long. Subprime borrowers start defaulting. Investors start thinking seriously about the dangers of failure and begin moving back into more liquid and safer assets. As this movement accelerates, some highly leveraged participants fall victim to liquidation, which in turn causes prices of these toxic assets to decrease further.
The first casualties of the market's newly acquired realism jolt authorities into a rude awakening, but for good reasons at this point they avoid calling a spade a spade. They are hopeful that the damage can be contained and a gradual cure will be possible. Besides, they know that too frank an assessment of the system's fragility can itself precipitate a devastating crash.
It takes more than a year and a number of piecemeal and increasingly expensive interventions for U.S. financial authorities to finally admit that, despite all their efforts, widespread panic and financial collapse could truly be around the corner. One can almost imagine the circumspect Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, when asked by Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson on the night of Sept. 17 what institution should be saved next in order to contain the crisis, responding by building on Judy Garland's classic line from The Wizard of Oz: "Paulson, 'I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore!' We need to go massive or else.…" They both then go to ask President Bush for the green light to seek congressional approval for the largest bailout in history.
Not surprisingly, officials have a hard time explaining to the public why such a rescue is warranted. They can't openly discuss what's really at stake: a run on the financial system, the occurrence of which would mean bankruptcy for a multitude of financial institutions and the collapse of the U.S. payments system. This, in turn, would paralyze the entire American economy, bringing about layoffs of a magnitude not suffered here since the early 1930s. To avoid throwing gasoline on the fire, political leaders can only vaguely hint to the public that the bailout is about preventing such a calamity, not simply about fixing a credit crunch. But one can be certain that it is the specter of a depression that proves persuasive in the behind-closed-doors negotiations on Capitol Hill and leads to the approval of the bailout legislation on Oct 3.
Unfortunately, before light is glimpsed at the end of the tunnel, other countries must step in decisively to save their own banks, and the U.S. must reload the bailout matrix to both stop the downward spiral of house prices and accelerate the recapitalization of banks. It takes that much to live a drama instead of a tragedy.
Ernesto Zedillo is director of the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization and former president of Mexico.