Conservatives Assail North Korea Accord

Conservatives in the US do not trust the Kim Jong Il regime in North Korea and expect proof that the country has “stopped sponsoring terrorism” before removing it from a US terror list. Conservatives who promote a tough stance toward terrorists and nations that sponsor terror resent what they view as a new pragmatic approach emerging from the Bush administration, reports Glenn Kessler in “The Washington Post.” Political allies in Washington are not the only ones divided about how to handle North Korea. Nations like Japan, South Korea, Russia and China are also divided about how to confront nations that disregard international condemnation. – YaleGlobal

Conservatives Assail North Korea Accord

Deal could get nation off terrorism list
Glenn Kessler
Friday, February 16, 2007

Click here for the original article on The Washington Post's website.

Staff writer Peter Baker contributed to this report.

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