The Conversation: Big Alcohol Is Poised to Expand Into Africa
The alcohol industry confronts low population growth rates and regulatory barriers in the developed world, its traditional source of profits. So the industry is focusing on Africa with its increasing affluence and what is described as a “high-intensity consumption of beer,” according to Karen Hofman and Charles Parry in the Conversation. AB Inbev, maker of Budweiser, Corona and Stella Artois beers, bought SABMiller in 2016 for $103 billion. Analysts cited SABMiller’s strong market share in Africa as a key factor behind the merger. For Hofman and Parry, alcohol companies are hiding behind “the guise of corporate social responsibility” in order to draw in new consumers and increase market size. Alcohol abuse is linked to increased rates of liver cirrhosis and HIV, and some African governments are ill-equipped to stand up to these multinational giants. Both grassroots and international efforts are necessary to confront the imminent public health challenge. – YaleGlobal
The Conversation: Big Alcohol Is Poised to Expand Into Africa
African nations may soon face more public health challenges as alcohol companies intensify their efforts to attract more consumers and expand markets
Friday, June 2, 2017
The Conversation
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