Cultural Revolution

From “cultural backwater” to trendsetter – that’s how the Economist describes the transformation of the Nordic region in just two decades. Immigration, globalization and the internet have contributed to the region’s burst of innovation in the high-tech, entertainment, restaurant and other industries. “The bigger reason why the region’s writers and artists – and indeed chefs and game designers – are catching the world’s attention is that they are so full of vim,” the Economist suggests. “They are reinventing old forms such as the detective story or the evening meal but also coming up with entirely new forms such as video games for iPads.” Dark detective tales, known as Nordic noir, not only explore the conflicts that come with globalization but also introduce the culture to millions of global readers. The region’s spirit is perhaps captured best by inventions like Linux, an open-source computer operating system from Finland, and a philosophy pervading the region that everyone should have the opportunity to learn, create and influence. – YaleGlobal

Cultural Revolution

Globalization, immigration, the leveled playing field of the internet help drive creativity in Nordic culture and its popularity
Friday, February 1, 2013
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