Danish Newspapers Reprint Mohammed Cartoon

In 2005, the Jyllands-Posten newspaper in Denmark published a set of cartoons, including one of the Prophet Mohammed wearing a turban shaped like a bomb. The cartoons sparked protests and renunciation throughout the Muslim world, while the West defends the right to free speech, no topics off limit. The crisis continues to show how the intentions of any one group often produce the opposite effect: A cartoonist incites anger rather than chuckles; fanatics who plot to assassinate the artist guarantee that the cartoons return to news headlines; newspapers, in promoting free speech, alienate a Muslim audience; and last but not least, a religion that prohibits all images of its founder ensures that a few ordinary cartoons will have a place in the historical record. – YaleGlobal

Danish Newspapers Reprint Mohammed Cartoon

Rosalind Ryan
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

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