Data Security in the Quantum Computer Age: RAND

Analysts anticipate that quantum computers will readily break encryptions of any type within the next 15 years, and RAND researchers urge government action to develop standardized post-quantum cryptography and review archives of encrypted materials. “If adequate implementation of PQC has not taken place by the time capable quantum computers are developed, it may become impossible to ensure secure authentication and communication privacy without major, disruptive changes to our infrastructure. These vulnerabilities are expected to be not only worse in many respects than current cybersecurity vulnerabilities, but also of a different kind, expanding the varieties of cyber weaknesses,” warn Michael J. D. Vermeer and Evan D. Peet for RAND. “The vulnerability presented by quantum computers will affect every government body, critical infrastructure, and industry sector.” They describe the threat as urgent and recommend building cyber-resilience in the digital infrastructure, including establishing a central coordinating body, conducting an inventory of encrypted materials, approving standards, mandating government transition, raising awareness and promoting industry transition. – YaleGlobal

Data Security in the Quantum Computer Age: RAND

Advanced quantum computers could expose encryption and digital communications – policymakers must move swiftly on a new form of cryptography
Michael J. D. Vermeer, Evan D. Peet
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Read the report from the RAND Corporation about the urgent need to prepare for advanced quantum computers' ability to expose most encrypted materials, including emails, military documents, financial and government data, cloud data, intellectual property and infrastructure protections.

Michael J. D. Vermeer is a physical scientist at RAND Corporation. His interests and expertise cover topics related to science and technology policy, criminal justice, national security, cyber security and privacy, and emerging technologies. He co-leads the project housing the Priority Criminal Justice Needs Initiative, a research partnership identifying technology and policy needs across sectors of the criminal justice system. His other work is related to development planning, program evaluation, and other analyses to guide strategic decisionmaking in the armed services and government agencies.

Evan Peet is an economist at the RAND Corporation and a Pardee RAND Graduate School faculty member. His research focuses on human capital, population health, labor, and environment.

Quantum Computing Investments  Commit to $1 billion-plus US, Canada, Russia, China $500,000-plus Germany $100,000-plus UK, Netherlands, Japan Others France, South Korea
(Source: Smriti Srivastava, Analytics Insight, 2019)

© Copyright 2020 RAND Corporation


I'm not sure if the author is sandbagging, but I searched this document for phrases like "redundant key algorithms", "multiple keys", and "redundant encoding methods". I found nothing.
It is going to be hard to get companies like Cisco and Google to adopt PQC if you don't have any algorithms.

Quantum computers are very good at breaking cypher systems where there is one and only one valid decrypt. If you have multiple valid keys (for each block, anyway), then the Quantum Computer's own information interference works against it.