Dear Snow-Trolls: Winter Weather Does Not Refute Global Warming
After a period of cool weather or heavy snow, those ignorant on science and research proclaim that climate change cannot possibly be true. “Despite the fact that weather and climate are not the same thing – climate is the statistical average of weather – extremely cold winters do appear to shift climate beliefs,” writes Chris Mooney for the Washington Post. He goes on to explain that cold weather in one part of the world does not refute evidence that average global temperatures are rising. The jet stream is wobbling as polar ice melts and sea levels rise. The damage and costs of climate change will be enormous, as suggested by record snowfall followed by rain in Buffalo, New York. Weather events are more extreme. Vocal opponents of climate change research that suggests phenomenon is caused by human activities and burning of fossil fuels cannot explain how conservation and shifts to alternative fuels could result economic harm. – YaleGlobal
Dear Snow-Trolls: Winter Weather Does Not Refute Global Warming
Those who reject climate change also reject science, average global temperatures and rising costs of fossil-fuel reliance
Friday, November 28, 2014
Chris Mooney reports on science and the environment.
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