Delhi Gets Its First Internet De-Addiction
Addiction is when a substance or activity gets out of control, consuming so much time that it interferes with work, family relationships or health. Video games, online shopping, mobile-phone use and constant internet browsing join the list of addictions. “Worried over the complete lack of socialization arising out of an internet-driven lifestyle among children, an NGO has launched Delhi's first internet de-addiction centre,” reports Durgesh Nandan Jha for the Times of India. The Centre for Children Internet and Technology Distress treats children as young as 10. Warning signs include a drop in grades, agitation about being away from online devices, secretive use and withdrawal from friends and families, the article reports. It adds that parents should monitor internet use, keep the computer in a common area, and encourage diverse activities including those outdoors. Children who use the internet for reading, science, math and other educational endeavors may be less prone to addiction than those who use it for games, chats or rote activities. – YaleGlobal
Delhi Gets Its First Internet De-Addiction
The Centre for Children Internet and Technology Distress treats children for internet addiction; warning signs include agitation, secretive use and withdrawal
Monday, July 28, 2014
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