Dementia Rates “Higher Near Busy Roads”

The noise and fumes of highways may contribute to dementia. Public health researchers in Ontario followed nearly 2 million people in Canada and found higher rates of dementia among those living close to roadways. About 50 million people have multiple forms of dementia worldwide. “Compared with those living 300m away from a major road the risk was: 7% higher within 50m, 4% higher between 50-100m, 2% higher between 101-200m,” reports James Gallagher for BBC News. “The researchers adjusted the data to account for other risk factors like poverty, obesity, education levels and smoking so these are unlikely to explain the link.” The associations were stronger for urban residents. The reports on the link between roadways and dementia do not define “major road,’ but Europe, the United States, China and India have among the largest road networks, according to CIA World Factbook. – YaleGlobal

Dementia Rates “Higher Near Busy Roads”

People who live within 50 meters of major roads have higher rates of dementia, research published in the Lancet suggests
James Gallagher
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

James Gallagher is health and science reporter for the BBC News website.

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