Developing Nations Begin to Embrace Internet Commerce
Though the internet has long served the needs of businesses large and small in developed nations, it has struggled to make a broad impact in the developing world, where the internet remains inaccessible to many. Global e-commerce revenue will reach upwards of $4 trillion this year, over 95% of which will come from transactions in industrialized countries. However, as this article reports, a number of developing nations have attempted to broaden their telecommunications infrastructure in order to open up lucrative new avenues for companies and individuals. The internet allows businesses to export products more easily to the West and to frequently avoid going through inefficient middlemen. It also abets the creation of jobs in many developing nations through outsourcing. Nonetheless, for the many developing countries still grappling with grave issues like AIDS, e-commerce looks likely to grow only gradually. –YaleGlobal.
Developing Nations Begin to Embrace Internet Commerce
Sunday, November 23, 2003
Click here for the original article on The New York Times website.
Copyright by The New York Times, 2003.