Diplomatic Fantasyland: The Illusion of a Negotiated Solution to the North Korean Nuclear Crisis

The world has been confronted with three alternative outcomes with concern to North Korea: They become a nuclear power; they dismantle their program through diplomatic negotiation; or they are forcibly disarmed. Unfortunately, the government in Pyongyang has repeatedly proved that it's not going budge easily. A nuclear weapons program in North Korea would be a disaster for both its neighbors and countries like the US who has been trying to negotiate a disarmament pact for over a decade. Pyongyang is assumed to be belligerent and , predicts North Korea expert Nicholas Eberstadt, will only become more frightening if nations do not take a pro-active role in forcing disarmament. - YaleGloball

Diplomatic Fantasyland: The Illusion of a Negotiated Solution to the North Korean Nuclear Crisis

Nicholas Eberstadt
Tuesday, September 23, 2003

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