DW: EU Reaches Agreement on Single-Use Plastic Ban
Plastic is made of oil and consists of large polymers that do not break down quickly, adding to waste management challenges. Most plastic waste ends up in the world’s oceans with microbeads and other forms of plastics finding their way into the food chain and seafood consumed by humans. China ended accepting imports of plastic waste for recycling this year, with global implications, forcing major exporters like the United States, Europe and Japan to consider alternative destinations. The European Union has agreed on a ban of single-use plastic products, reports Deutsche Welle. The agreement targets disposable plastic bottles, plates, straws, cutlery and more. “Producers will be made to help cover the costs of waste management and cleanup,” the report notes. About 4 percent of the world’s oil production goes to making plastics, reports the British Plastics Federation, and used plastics can be recycled up to six times. – YaleGlobal
DW: EU Reaches Agreement on Single-Use Plastic Ban
EU member states and parliament agree on plan to ban single-use plastic products such as disposable plates and straws
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Read the article from Deutsche Welle about an EU agreement to ban single-use plastics.
Deutsche Welle
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