DW: Theresa May to Lead Brexit Talks With EU
British voters voted in favor of leaving the European Union, 51 to 48 percent, in June 2016. The close vote, combined with inaccurate claims by supporters and accusations of Russian interference, would encourage a caution on Britain’s part. Analysts now anticipate a soft Brexit, with Britain retaining close ties with the EU, amid reports that Prime Minister Theresa May is controlling Brexit negotiations. “The internal shuffle comes as May's cabinet has been in turmoil in recent weeks and the clock is ticking for Britain to strike a deal with the EU before exiting the bloc in March,” reports Deutsche Welle. “Supporters of a tough Brexit stance in EU negotiations lambasted the change, with Richard Tice of campaign group Leave Means Leave saying ‘we now look set for Brexit in name only.’” The plan is for a deal by October with time for ratification by European and British parliaments before the March deadline. Both sides agree on Britain’s financial obligations and rights for EU and British citizens, and they continue to work on how to monitor the border between Ireland and Britain’s Northern Ireland. – YaleGlobal
DW: Theresa May to Lead Brexit Talks With EU
British Prime Minister May will lead Brexit talks with the EU and new Brexit Minister Dominic Raab will focus on the domestic side of leaving the bloc
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Read the article from Deutsche Welle about the British prime minister taking control over Brexit negotations.
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