The Dying Fish Swims in Water
Within Russia, a small group of ethnic minorities fight for the survival of their languages and cultures, prompting a strong reaction from the Russian government. Finno-Ugric groups such as the Komi, Mari, and Udmurt resist a Russocentrism that makes traditional ways of life increasingly tenuous. The nationalist self-preservation in this case is a wistful nod to the origins of Finland and Estonia, two countries with whom the Finno-Ugrists feel a bond. Yet the Russian government views support for the Finno-Ugrists as confirming fears that a conspiratorial network of outside interests threaten Russian influence. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, which Putin terms a “catastrophe,” Russia itself has been culturally insecure. Still, the Finno-Ugrists argue they merely hope to ward off extinction and not break Russia apart. – YaleGlobal
The Dying Fish Swims in Water
Russia finds outside support for its ethnic minorities threatening
Friday, January 6, 2006
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