The Economist: Saudi Arabia’s Alliances Tested
The murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey has put pressure on the US government to reassess its relationship with Saudi Crown Prince and de facto ruler Mohammad bin Salman. However, Donald Trump may be willing to look the other way as the crown prince continues to shield himself from blame over Khashoggi’s death. Turkey is making “a whitewash more difficult” and “Its investigators have plied the media with details of the alleged murder, including descriptions of a supposed audio recording of Mr. Khashoggi’s horrific last moments.” According to a recent article in the Economist, Trump is relying on the Saudis to maintain oil prices as the United States “hits Iran, their shared enemy, with new sanctions that aim to cut off its oil exports.” In addition, the Saudi kingdom, with the world’s third largest military, is seen as a major market for US weapons manufacturers. The journalist’s death the latest of a long list of troubles for the Saudi regime on the international geopolitical stage. The Economist notes that the crown prince “has a record of impulsive behavior,” including a questionable blockade on Qatar and the alleged kidnapping of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri. – YaleGlobal
The Economist: Saudi Arabia’s Alliances Tested
Journalist’s death in Saudi consulate of Istanbul compounds a long list troubles for the Saudi regime
Sunday, October 28, 2018
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