Egypt: 10,000 March in Protest at Woman Dragged Half-Naked Through Street

A military loses credibility when it emphasizes power over security, turning on its own citizens – especially after abuses are documented and released over the internet for the world to see. About 10,000 women marched on the streets of Cairo to protest brutal treatment of female protesters. “Even before the protest was over, the military council issued an unusually strong statement of regret for what it called ‘violations’ against women – a quick turnaround after days of dismissing the significance of the abuse,” reports the Telegraph. “The statement suggested the military's fear that attacks on women could wreck its prestige at home and abroad, which has already been heavily eroded by its fierce, five-day-old crackdown on pro-democracy protesters demanding it surrender power.” Despite long-time US support for Egypt’s military, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had harsh criticism, and the incidents could hasten transfer of power. The female protesters have put Egypt’s current and future leaders on notice that abuses will be documented and not tolerated. – YaleGlobal

Egypt: 10,000 March in Protest at Woman Dragged Half-Naked Through Street

Women marched through central Cairo demanding Egypt's ruling military step down in an unprecedented show of outrage over soldiers who dragged women by the hair and stripped one half-naked in the street
Monday, December 26, 2011
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